Friday 23 November 2012

1883: The Timeless Issue

The past 3 months have been a blur of shooting, writing, proof reading, phoning, emailing, all whilst fighting through a steady stream of shoes, bags, jackets, swords (yes, really), hats, jewels, spectacles and every item of clothing known to man. But it's all just part of working in the fashion department of 1883 magazine. There are occasions when you don't know what day of the week it is, times when you haven't seen your colleagues for days because everyone's everywhere but where you are, conducting interviews, attending press days, wrestling models into clothes.... Then suddenly photos appear, words make their way on to paper... Until next thing you know, you're planning the launch of the next issue.

It was with great joy and more than a little relief that The Timeless Issue was previewed earlier today. In stores December 1st, it sees the one and only Sir Ian McKellen grace one of two covers. With Sir Ian's cover itself to be revealed soon, check out the video below for a teaser of what's to come. A special mention has to go to the goldfish, Humphrey, who really excels in his debut role here.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Kid Cudi: Just What I Am

After Kid Cudi's foray into rock influences last year with Dot da Genius for their WZRD collaborative album, his original fans, me included, have been desperately awaiting his return to rap. The beginning of 2013 will see the release of the two-disk Indicud, an album he has compared to Dre's The Chronic 2001. With plenty of Ratatat productions promised, it sounds like a return to form for the outsiders' favourite rapper. 
Just What I Am is the first single from the album and sees Mescudi once again team up with King Chip, formerly know as Chip tha Ripper. During the WZRD phase, Cudi declared he was giving up smoking weed, which was a big focus in his lyrics before. But this single is proof Cudi's back on the stoner game. I'm usually not a fan of stoner music but Cudi's descriptions of being high have always been related to his identity as an outsider, escaping from his problems, and this concept has resonated with a wide fan base, not just with those with the same habit. 

"Thinking bout all my old friends who weren't my friends all along,
Hm, when it rains it pours, whiskey bottles on the sinks and floors,
Everyday to find sane's a chore, amidst a dream with no exit door."

His self-directed video dropped a few days ago and it see's him taking King Chip on a trippy ride and partying with fans that Cudi himself asked to get involved. Just What I Am has the classic Cudi combination of self-diagnosis and examination with talk of partying and ballin' that his fans love. Most importantly, it no doubt leaves us even more desperate for him to unveil Indicud in full.

Jeanne Lanvin: Video Footage from the Lanvin archive

Long before the genius of Alber Elbaz, there was the woman who founded the House of Lanvin, and whose legacy has inspired countless designers, Elbaz among them; Jeanne Lanvin. Jeanne was originally a milliner but when the dresses she made for her daughter attracted attention, she turned to dressmaking and created the House of Lanvin 1909. Ten years later she designed the dress that became her trademark, the robes de style, a dress with a small waist and full skirt that went against the popular styles of the time. 
Lanvin today released archive footage of Jeanne in fittings ahead of the launch of her "Sorbier", "Tubéreuse" or "Azalée" evening wear designs. It's always intriguing getting a glimpse into the inner-workings of design houses and studios, especially when it's such a legendary figure. For more information on the history of Lanvin, click here

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Hollywood Costume

This year saw the Victoria & Albert museum unveil Hollywood Costume, a display spanning three massive rooms filled with countless costumes from much-loved movies.  I've always been intrigued by costume design and how it portrays and adds to a character, because, after all, you are what you wear. For every costume on display, there's a titbit of information from the costume designer or actor, giving us an insight into why they had to wear that pair of jeans, of why the jacket had to be that specific shade of read. Whether it's period dramas (A Room With A View, Elizabeth, etc), action movies (Indiana Jones), or cult classics (Fight Club, Taxi Driver, etc), this exhibition has left no memorable movie out. Take a look below for some interesting insights with quotes from the costume designers.

Marit Allen on Brokeback Mountain:
"Cowboys wear Wrangler jeans (they're much tighter) and ranchers wear looser Levi's. Even the shape and heel height on a cowboy boot tells a tale. So does the height, colour, brim and shape of a hat, which also varies from state to state."

Michael Kaplan on Fight Club:
"Tyler (Brad Pitt) was like the male of many animal species: brilliant, cocky and more colourful than the female. Tyler had no income and his wardrobe came from thrift shops. Brad's favourite was a 1970's leather jacket that I designed and dyed the colour of dried blood, which said a lot about the character and the film's title"

The legendary Edith Head on The Birds:
"Hitchcock preferred that the audience did not notice her (Tippi Hedren's) clothes. He didn't want any distractions from the terror and virtually restricted me to two colours, blue and green.... I was aware that he didn't like anything bright unless it made a story point."

Ann Roth on Natalie Portman in Closer:
"I was in Greece and I saw this girl sleeping on two or three chairs pushed together, and I literally copied her costume. It was that blue coat. You had the feeling it had been somebody else's first. Perhaps she shared a youth hostel in Istanbul somewhere, and the thing was rolled up and somebody was sleeping on it - this coat had a history."

Hollywood Costume is on display until January 27th 2013.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Beware the Style Crutch

Ah Four Pins. The style blog cracks me up more often than every-now-and-then with its honest critique and humorous musings on the stylish and not-so-stylish of the menswear scene. Today they opened their readers eyes to the style crutches of the modern man, much to blame for the self-appointed experts of style in a world dominated by blogging and Tumblr-ing and what-not. Ironic, I suppose, in a way.
Take a look below for a couple of screen shots from the hilarious post. And make sure to check out the site itself here, it makes for some amusing reading, along with of course, plenty of style inspiration.